Our certified mechanics use only quality brand products to service and care for your vehicle. Whether you have a classic car, family SUV or 4WD, we have the right equipment and expertise to keep you safely on the road.
We can help you choose a new tyre that is right for you and your vehicle. If you need a puncture repair, wheel balance or alignment our team have the knowledge and technology to maximise the life of your tyres.
Flat battery or your car not starting as smoothly as it should? We carry a large range of batteries suitable for most vehicles and can load test your current battery to see if replacement is necessary.
With a weekly onsite windscreen replacement service, we can take care of all your broken windscreen needs locally.
Feeling a little hot? We can inspect you air conditioning system for leaks or damage to hoses, seals or components. Then if necessary we can repair and recharged the system with refrigerant to keep you and your car cool.
Mark II Automotive can issue NSW eSafety inspection reports (pink slip) and Authorised Unregistered Vehicle inspection reports (blue slip) to verify your vehicle is safe and ready for the road.